Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Jerusalem (10/18 - 10/19)

The sightseeing is complete, and the preparations are done, now it's time to get riding. We set out at 6:00AM Wednesday morning. Our first ride will be 65-miles from Jerusalem, through the Judean Hills, to the port of Ashkelon. More on that ride tomorrow.

My comfortable, uneventful flight landed at Ben Gurion Airport at 3:30PM on Sunday (10/17). After a picturesque ride through the Judean Hills in a sharout (a cross between a taxi and a mini-bus), I arrived in Jerusalem in the early evening. After a quick shwarma pita, it was off to bed.

Note:  View of Old City from the West, and Jaffa Gate (main entrance to the Old City)

Monday (10/18) was the quintessential sightseeing day in Jerusalem. I was in the Old City for most of the day. I walked through the Arab shuk; visited the Israeli quarter; spent time at the Western Wall; and even saw the Armenian section. Jerusalem is like no other place on earth, with the amalgam of nationalities and religions all calling the city their home and birthplace. My tour was extra-special because it was lead by Dina, Kurt's (my father-in-law) cousin. Dina made Aliyah (moved) to Israel in 1966. Dina just happens to be a tour guide for German tourists who visit Jerusalem, so you can imagine how interesting the tour was. Dina, like Kurt, escaped Germany before it was too late, and rode out the war as well in Shanghai, China. Like Kurt, she then settled in Salt Lake City, Utah.  It's captivating hearing Dina and Kurt talk about Germany and Shanghai. I know that somewhere in their stories is a book.

Note:  The Western Wall

We wrapped up the day with a lightshow at King David's Tower in the Old City. It was like no other lightshow I had ever seen, with entire walls of the old city bathed in light and sound, depicting various eras in Jerusalem's history. In my short time here, I already have two unescapable observations. ONE, Israel is much less militarized than it was when I was last here in 1983. Then, serious soldiers with guns were the norm. Now it is soldiers laughing and smiling, enjoying the camaraderie of their peers. Boy, the soldiers sure look young! I don't deceive myself, I know the security and overall might of Israel's military has not wavered, but now it is behind the scenes, ready to act if necessary. Let us pray it remains unnecessary. TWO, the passion and pride Israeli's have for their country, and their Jewish faith, is palpable. I saw students, soldiers and everyday citizens break into spontaneous song and dance on a number of occasions yesterday. It was especially moving seeing a class of teenage girls singing by the Crusader's Gate with so much passion that some of the girls were actually crying.

Note:  Schoolgirls singing.

Today, has been a day of rest and preparation. My bike went back together without incident, and I went for a brief ride around the city to make sure everything was working right - including my legs! Given the traffic, and aggressive drivers, riding a bike in Jerusalem is not for the faint of heart, so we kept the ride short. Later we all get together for a logistics meeting and dinner. Then it is off to bed early. That 5AM alarm will come too soon.

Note:  Kurt and Stephen on their tuneup ride in Jerusalem


  1. Sounds like a wonderful adventure. Have a wonderful and safe time. Regards to Kurt.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi dad,
    I hope you had a fun day today. Today we didn't do anything particularly special in school. After school I went to soccer practice. We scrimaged against Olivia Brasher's team. I had a lot of fun at practice even though my heel was hurting really bad. ( I am wearing my orthodics but I think over the last few weeks it has been getting worse) I hope that you enjoy the ride.
    I love you and miss you,

  4. Hi dad,
    Today at school our class did really well so we got 15 minutes of extra recess at 2:20. We also got m&ms. During the 15 minutes of extra recess I was playing knockout and some other boys were playing soccer and one of them kicked the ball really hard and it hit me in the chest and my chest was red for about an hour but now it is ok. It sounds like you did a lot of bike riding today! I am glad to hear that zaide is ok. Bubbe called and asked me how he was doing and I told her what you said.
    I miss you a lot.

  5. Dear Daddy,
    Today we made space helmets at school-its a paper bag then you make holes and put stuff on, like blue pompoms and rainbow pompoms, sparklies.I helped mommy do the newspaper recycling tonight. I love you and miss you and cant wait til you get home!

  6. ps I lost two teeth last night.
